Universidad Viña del Mar

International Cooperation

Being the main area responsible for the management of joint processes and related activities the main objective is to support the process of institutional internationalization.

The Universidad Viña del Mar (UVM) works to form integral individuals who are tolerant of change and cultural differences with a global vision and the ability to become a part of the international context along with being adaptable to any environment.


As part of the institutional and educational project, the Universidad Viña del Mar (UVM) is committed to strengthen its relationship with the environment as a pillar his vision and mission.

In order to achieve this, the Universidad Viña del Mar (UVM) is continually working in:

Internationalization Strategy

The Universidad Viña del Mar (UVM), according to its institutional mission and educational paradigms, puts the students learning at the center of its academic work, introducing internationalization as a process of transformation at all levels and functions of the university, oriented to incorporate the international dimension into academic activities.

The internationalization strategy consists of a set of guidelines that will rule the actions at the institutional level, whose purpose aim to generate and consolidate relations with foreign institutions linked to university work, as well as to strengthen the international projection of the Institution in undergraduate, postgraduate and research. In this manner, it ensures continuity, flexibility and innovation according to the Educational Project.

Our strategy seeks to generate an academic offer relevant to the «Millennium Generation», taking advantage of being part of a Global Network, with partners and international networks to implement new and innovative programs.

Main goals:

  • Strengthen the internationalization process of the university.
  • To orientate the Schools in the systematic incorporation of the international experience in the academic study programs.
  • To integrate the administrative, financial and logistics management of the internationalization process.

  • International Agreements.
  • Administrative and financial management.
  • Incoming Mobility.
  • Outgoing Mobility.
  • International Programs.
  • Spanish Center.
  • International Projects.

International projects

From 2015 onwards UVM has been awarded 5 International Projects of the Erasmus Programme K2 Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education.



InnovaT project aims to modernise Higher Education and enhance innovation in teaching & learning experiences by promoting the integration of new technologies in LA HEIs and equipping teachers and students with relevant skills for the digital transformation of HE and society worldwide.

This project will be implemented from January 15th 2019 – January 14th 2022.



The overall objective of the LATWORK project is to develop Latin-American HEI research structures and innovative methodologies for satisfying the scientific needs of creating knowledge in the field of informal jobs and informal economy. The Research Centres or Research Structures that are planned to be created will provide the opportunity to involve collaborations by academics and research staff from a wide range of disciplines.

This project will be implemented from January 15th 2019 – January 14th 2022.



Disability and Modernity; Ensuring Quality Education for Disabled Students. MUSE’s project objective is to improve access, learning conditions and develop employment opportunities for students with differing capabilities at Higher Education Institutions in Chile, México and Argentina via modern inclusion practices and networking.



Program for Internationalization of Universities in Chile and Peru. INCHIPE’s main objective is to increase the capacity for international cooperation of non-European Universities, contributing to the improvement of international networking and increasing the potential in Teaching, Learning and Research.



Inclusive Universities: The Key competences of the university community for the development of an active citizenship. The SOLIDARIS project aims to promote the socio-educational inclusion of the university community, in particular of students, through the development of several innovative actions related to the development of evaluations tools, services oriented towards inclusion, and training resources.

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